Wednesday, January 23, 2013

le creuset "too good to be true" crusty bread

Staff of Life
well, when I'm not making soup, I can quite often (too often in fact) be found here on Pinterest ... yes it's become a bit of an unhealthy addiction and one I won't be giving up soon ... honestly ... however, I could be doing much worse things with my time, I truly could ...

so, whilst doing some recipe research, I came across this lovely blog Simply So Good ... and therein the magic began ... for it was on this blog that I discovered the "too good to be true" crusty le creuset bread recipe ... and it truly is "too good to be true" ...

give it a try ... you won't be sorry ...

go make yourself a loaf ... start now ... and you could have a delicious piece of your very own homemade bread for lunch tomorrow ...

is there anything better ...

happy bread making ...

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